Moisture Detection
Water leaking in your property means your water bill is rising faster than you would like – hurting your bank balance. Central heating system leaks could leave you and your family with no heating – in the dead of winter. Central heating systems that are being refilled constantly suffer from oxidization – rusting your radiators & pipes from the inside out! Water mains supply leaks can quickly cause subsidence of land including footpaths, driveways, gardens – or your house! Internal water leaks from pipes, tanks, underfloor heating & central heating systems cause an untold amount of damage to your home including damage to walls and floors – costing hundreds to rectify!
You family and yourself become at risk of a multitude of health problems affected by damp including asthma – children and the elderly are most at risk. Your property becomes a comfortable home for many insects, bugs & mites who thrive in damp & dark conditions – under your floors and in your walls. What may seem like a small problem, a simple water leak can rapidly become a huge problem with extremely costly consequences.